So anyway, I cruise in my pimped out PT Cruiser (ok I had to say that because one of my girlfriends had the nerve to LAUGH at how much I love my PTC and dubbed it my "pimped out PT Cruiser" which I was SOLD on! SO TRUE!). Where was I? Oh yes, cruising down the 10 freeway from Colton to Redlands in my bad ass pimped out PTC, windows down, music loud, ready to face the scale.
The moment comes and of course after WEEKS of not attending, who do I get to weigh in with? THE LEADER! Ugh. I had to acknowledge that, which all the ladies there thought was funny and stepped on the scale for my Biggest Loser moment. I hear the tell tale beeping in my head and here comes Alison...
"Melanie, last week you weighed 211 on your scale at home. Your official Weight Watchers weight is..." *a bazillion agonizing beeps later* "206.2! You have lost 4.8 lbs!"
Ok, so I have known my home scale is about 2 pounds more than the WW scale which I was ok with before, but now it seems to be approaching 3lbs! I am so on Amazon after this for a WW scale, which I oh so conveniently saw in a WW magazine ad! Anyway, my home scale totally had me freaked out that I had gained more than I thought. I last attended my WW meeting on 1.14.12 and weighed 204.4. My home scale was telling me at the most I was 211, turns out in all the weeks I was gone I only gained 1.8lbs! I was so happy! I am committed to my SMART goal though! A less than accurate scale isn't going to lull me into a false sense of security. I WANT MY 10% WW KEYRING! What is that you ask? Some lil trinket that I CANNOT get out of my head. I have two little WW charms I earned for it sitting in their lil baggies, staring me in the face, that I cannot put anywhere except on that keyring! I earned the 16 week charm for attending 16 weeks in a row (like two years go) and the 5K charm for doing a 5K walk. I asked them if they had one for a bike marathon (I do those with Dom every year in Long Beach and LOVE IT) and they said no. LAME! Anyways, I want to reach my 10%, earn my keyring, make a new former-principal inspired SMART goal and keep on losing! I WILL be the biggest loser! *laughs* Oh and there are more lil charms to go on this keyring, for 25lbs, 50lbs, 75lbs, and so on. You can see photos of them and descriptions on this gal's blog:
Tools for Living Step 2 - Storyboarding
From the WW site: "Storyboarding helps you identify the steps you need to take to make your Winning Outcome a reality. Break down your long-term goals, i.e., your Winning Outcome, into a list of shorter-term goals or steps. Then draw or write out each one, Goal One through your Winning Outcome."
My Winning Outcome/WW SMART goal:
I will loose 11 pounds through the Simply Filling technique and a minimum of 4 days of treadmill time a week, at a rate of one pound per week as verified and recorded at my meeting weigh-ins, so that the 10% goal of 200 pounds is met by Saturday, May 19th.
My Storyboard
I much prefer writing over drawing, so here goes...
- I will get on the treadmill at least 4 days a week.
- I will stock my kitchen with Power Foods.
- I will apply the Simply Filling technique.
- I will lose at least one pound a week.
- I will attend my weekly WW meeting.
- I will meet my goal on or before May 19th.
- I will blog after every WW meeting to solidify my commitment to my overall health and well being.
So I am feeling great and optimistic once again, I hope this isn't a mood swing... *laughs*
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