Saturday, April 14, 2012

More frustration

I didn't go to my Weight Watchers meeting today, though I had the chance.  I had a terrible week and didn't want it heightened on the scale.  It was "that time" of the month again and I wasn't feeling my best.  I did manage to keep my eating on track, though without regular exercise it does very little but maintain.  My averaged weight was essentially 208 all week.  I slept in today and when I finally got up and weighed in (in my bathroom) my averaged weight was 206.  I was relieved to see that, but I have been 204 in recent weeks and I would LOVE to maintain that for a week, not just a few days.

I have been wrestling with a lot of negative self talk this week, but here I am, late and having missed a meeting when I could have gone, but I am still here.  This is something I HAVE to do.  I cannot fail and if I don't meet my Winning Outcome (WW SMART goal) then I write it again and keep trying.

Tool for Living #9: Reframing

From the WW Site: "There is a positive intention behind every thing you do. Sometimes, though, bad habits seem to get us the things we want. Reframing will help you find ways to realize your intention with a positive action."

For example, when I am stressed or having a bad day I want soda and candy BAD.  I am a stress eater.  If I am having a challenging day, I feel soothed by drinking a LOT of soda.  While diet soda is allowed on the Simply Filling plan, I know that soda and all the chemicals in it are not good for me in the long run, so less soda is best.

There are some questions I need to ask myself in order to "reframe" a negative behavior:

  • What behavior do you want to change?
  • What does that behavior get for you?
  • How else can you get that benefit? (make a list of alternate activities)
  • Which of these new behaviors would you be willing to try?

I love making I think I will do that now.  What alternate activities can I do to soothe myself?
Here were some suggestions from WW:

  • Take a hot bath.
  • Walk the dog.
  • Organize: sit down and make a list of the things that need to be done.
  • Write in your journal.
  • Read a book.
  • Call a good friend and talk about it.
  • Take an art class. 

A more suitable list for me would be:

  • Walk the dogs.
  • Journal on my blog.
  • Read a book.
  • Text a friend.
  • Play Words with Friends and Scrabble with my friends.

I will have to think on more alternatives.  They have to be easy ones because I am often stressed at work, and I need to be able to use an alternative that I can pull off on a short break.  Usually once I am home I am better about finding another way to cope with my stress.  I usually exercise and watch one of my shows, or take a nap, or clean.  One of my favorite ways to reframe is driving to my favorite loud music, that isn't always possible, but does help at the end of a challenging work day.

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