Sunday, May 6, 2012

Happy Birthday to ME!

38 years young today!  I cannot believe my 30s will soon be behind me. Before I get all reflective on that, let's talk weight!

So this blog comes one day later than I would usually post, mainly because the day before my birthday was rather busy.  I did make my WW meeting to learn not only did I lose the .2 from last week, but an additional pound!  204 was the official weight for me and I was thrilled.  I have a routine when I go to my WW meetings.  I try to be there at least 15 minutes before it begins so that I am not missing anything when the team leader (Cindee) starts.  Cindee actually helps people weigh in before the meeting and I was fortunate to have her weigh me in and give me the good news.  She is just one of those perky, energetic types that we all need in our lives...not over the top or irritating, but just generally upbeat and always has a smile for you.  She congratulated me on my loss and pointed out that I have not had many gains as she looks over my track record.  That is just the sort of optimism I love.  I agree and point out that I tend to stall, but this is a learning process and we all learn on our own curve...I am a teacher, I should know! ;)

Anyway, I take my happy self out to the meeting where I have already claimed a spot.  I bring my breakfast (as do many...we won't eat BEFORE weigh in!), as well as a bag I use to "scrapbook" in my WW journal.  So I record my weight on my iPhone app and review my weight graph...noting that I have been at this attempt of WW a full 2 years, that I have essentially kept 15 pounds off for that time, and that only once before had I come this close to meeting my 10%.  January 29, 2011...202.4lbs...then right back up.  That won't happen this time.  I am not sure what caused that failure last year, but I want to his my goal so bad it isn't funny.  Hitting 200lbs will get me the coveted WW keyring all the big girls "ooo and ahhh" for, but getting under 200 and staying there will be a big deal to me, and that WW keyring is only the beginning.  I would love to hit my original goal of 200 by 5/11/12 as I wrote in my Winning Outcome, but a 4 lbs loss in one week is big.  The biggest loss I recall managing in recent history was 2.8lbs.  Part of me thinks with some consistent blending and exercise I could pull off the 4lb loss and I am curious to see if I really can.  I recall WW saying something about 1 to 2 lbs/week as a good and normal pace for losing weight, and I have seen that to be true for myself.  In the end I know if I don't hit my goal this coming weigh in, I will hit it the next and I am very excited about that!

I had a few interruptions during my WW meeting that threatened to take the joy out of the moment.  My 10 year old "pimped out" PT Cruiser is in the shop for some repairs.  Think what you will about PT Cruisers, but I LOVE mine and it has never let me down.  Even for the laundry list of things it needs to bring it back into top shape, that car runs for me, and always has.  Something I have not written about here before and will mention briefly now is money and debt.  No one wants to talk about those things, and neither had I.  I have a lot of debt...student loans, credit cards, mortgage, car payment.  Thankfully the PT is not the car that has any payments on it, which makes me love it even more.  That car is ALL MINE, I paid for it, from start to finish.  That fact makes me love it even more.  I have recently cut credit cards out of my life, closing my accounts and working to pay them off.  It had been a painful process at first, but I have come to really enjoy not using credit to make purchases, using my debit card instead, knowing that money was coming directly out of my account, that there was no interest being charged, no balances going up, no creditor to worry about.  So why mention all this now?  Because I am paying for my car's repairs with cash, and because my car needs so many repairs I cannot make all at once no matter how much I would love to, that I wrestle with what I can have done, what is most important, what I have the MONEY for.  These sort of calls came during my WW meeting, threatening to ruin the happy place I need every Saturday morning to prepare for the coming week. 

I missed the bulk of my WW meeting because of these calls.  I was greatly frustrated by simply not having enough money to fix my car the way it needs to be so that all its ailments were eliminated.  The simple reality of the matter came to me quite quickly...I have some money, and some of the things can be fixed...the important things.  I am grateful to have my husband to count on when it comes to the world of automotive mechanics, as he is knowledgeable in that realm.  I am grateful that the people we deal with at Goodyear/Tire Guys are genuinely good people who are doing their job, not out to make a fast one.  So between Goodyear and my husband the list was prioritized, money limitations discussed, and the car got some of the work it needs done.

As for my Saturday morning I reclaimed what I could of it to get back into my happy WW place.  The main meeting had ended by the time I returned to my seat, but a refresher was about to begin.  I stayed for that, working on my scrapbook, sipping my coffee, unable to eat my breakfast bar due to a sudden loss of appetite.  I stayed even some after the refresher as other gals had stayed to talked to Cindee.  Finally it was just Cindee and I and she asked what I figured she would..."What are you doing over here?" in her perky way.  I has happy to have the chance to tell her about my scrapbook and say the things I usually don't say during the meetings.  Her meetings are very well attended and lots of others have things to say, so I don't prolong things with my comments unless I am really motivated to.  So in this brief one on one with her I told her all of my various thoughts on scrapbook, my journey, how close I am to 10%, how long it has taken me, and why I come to her meetings over one much closer to me.  I told her how much I enjoy her meetings because of her, and her energy, and how they help me get the week started off right.  She enjoyed hearing that as I knew she would, hearing you are appreciated and that your work is meaningful does wonders for a person, and sincerely meant it and wanted her to know.

As I close my blog I realized I meant to reflect on my 38th year and the things I have learned, but I guess in a way I have.  My main lessons at the moment seem to be weight and money management, however something came to me this week...enjoy what you have, don't continue to chase the things you wish you had, but enjoy what you have as they are well earned and you love them.  More on that soon... :)

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