Saturday, March 31, 2012


So it turns out my new WW scale is kinder to me than the official WW scale.  I haven't been able to go to a meeting for the past two weeks due to my son's soccer games.  Thankfully the one today was at 11am, so I could manage a quick drive over to Redlands to weigh in and see how my new WW scale compared to the official WW scale.  I think I want my old scale back. *sighs heavily*  My WW scale this morning said I was 206, the WW scale at the meeting said I was 207.8.  So I have realized that my old scale tacking on an extra 2 lbs is much preferable to the new scale trying to be nice to me.  So of course all of my negative self talk starts up, but I won't let it win.  I am not going to dwell on this and forge ahead!

I have decided that in order for me to truly make this is a lifestyle change I need to make it my own.  I cannot do something because it is how it is expected to be done, but I need to do it in a way that will work for me.  I have long thought about starting my own recipe book, or weight loss scrap book, or just some sort of scrapbook-recipe-journal thingy.  Basically a place for me to make notes, glue in recipes or photos or inspirations what-have-yous.  I have attempted to do something like this in the past and failed.  I have been thinking about it a lot of late and this morning's frustration had me thinking on what I needed to do to get on track.  The constant back and forth of my weight as I get closer to my 10% is incredibly frustrating, I have to get off this weight gain/weight loss swing I am on and finally break under 200!

The gal at the weigh in asked me if I had any ideas on what is going on.  I was caught off guard by her question as she usually isn't too chummy with me, I just weigh in, she notes it and hands me my book with a smile...the end.  I looked at her a moment and just said "I eat too much" to which she replied "You can always stay for our Power Start sessions"  I thanked her and left.  I could not stay for the meeting due to my son's game, but I thought on that all morning.  The meetings are all well and good, I have been to all the power starts, but as I was saying before, I need to do things that I KNOW I can continue to do that will support making this a lifestyle change.  Staying for a "Power Start" again isn't going to help me right now.  I have sat through them, I need to continue to make lifestyle changes in my life that I can maintain.

So this journal I want to do...I HAVE to do it.  Anyone who knows me, knows what a nerd I am.  I LOVE office/school supplies.  I often collect them with no real agenda other than that they are cool looking or that I MIGHT find some use for something so fun.  An example of this are the pads of paper and journals I have laying around.  As I got to thinking on making this new journal I recalled a small wire bound blank journal I could not resist buying when Borders closed.  It is a good size and I already have it so why not try to start this journal idea with this book I have?  If it really takes off for me I can always buy a bigger one after I fill this one up.  So I am excited about getting started on this project and hope doing so will help keep me on course. I would LOVE to be under 200lbs by my birthday! (May 6)  I am excited to go back through all of my WW Weeklies and cut them apart for the things I enjoyed most about them and want to continue to reference. One thing that had put me off from making a journal like this before or a recipe book was making more work for myself and having all this writing or rewriting to do.  That is why I call this more of a scrapbook...I plan on cutting or scanning things and pasting them into this book for my regular use. 

I suppose now that I have inserted a photo of my new journal I should insert a photo of things I add to it!  That will help keep me accountable just like blogging every Saturday has.

Tool for Living #5 - Motivating Strategy

From the WW site: "Motivation, the best way to break through times that are tough, is that surge of energy, that inner oomph inside that inspires you to go for it."

Motivating Strategy steps:
  1. Imagine yourself having already achieved your goals, and enjoying them.
  2. Visualize the way your Winning Outcome will be experienced, when you achieve it. Use your senses so that you feel how it will feel. Add sounds, smells, movement.
  3. Get in touch with the other good feelings that come from having achieved your goals.
  4. Remain in touch with these feelings as you get back to doing the things you need to do to reach your goal.
Ironically enough this strategy is most handy when you feel frustrated!  Go figure!  I love that I was already using a motivation strategy to cope with my frustration at the scale.  My WW scrapbook is my motivation strategy! It will have all the things I find most encouraging in it.  One thing I try not to do is make excuses.  As I have written before, I am a fan of "The Biggest Loser" and this season their theme is "No Excuses."  I rather like that.  I don't want to make excuses for why I didn't lose this week.  I know I haven't been on the treadmill as much due to craziness in my week, I know I am still not 100% adhering to the Simply Filling technique, and I know I need to address that!  As for exercising, I really need to do it everyday except soccer practice days, those two days give me the break I need at the end of a very busy day.  As for the food, I have gotten better about having Power Foods on hand, but I am not one to waste food, so I have been eating my microwave lunches (all WW or Lean Cuisine or Healthy Choice).  While they are not terrible, they do have points and when you are on the SF plan of WW you need to eat as many no point foods and meals as possible.  I am happy to say I have finished all of those microwave meals and am already planning on what my new lunches will be that will fall more into line with the SF plan.

I feel I am headed into this week with a good plan and I hope to see the payoff at my next weigh in!

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